

Hello! I'm delighted you stopped by! I am a mixed media artist and designer living in Knoxville, TN with my husband and five (yes five!) furr-babies.

Art and the genuine desire to create has been a part of my life since childhood. I'm formally trained as a graphic designer and hold a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art. Though the work is meaningful, I knew I needed to find another creative outlet to balance out and even enhance my design work. In 2016 I picked up a paintbrush and rediscovered the joy of simply creating. Abstract painting became my favorite form of creative expression as it is often intuitive and the final outcome unknown. It also served as an amazing balance to my time working at a computer. My Southern roots largely influence my work, and I am constantly striving to distill all that I see and love into something joyful, authentic and unique. I've recently discovered a love for painting the human face - particularly female faces. The playful way in which I paint them takes me back to that little girl that used to sit and draw faces for hours. I hope that in viewing my work, all of that joy translates to the viewer as well.